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A thirteenth-century tile from Chertsey Abbey, England , showing King Mark kissing his nephew Tristan.
Two goddesses and a child carved in ivory, c. 1400-1200 BC. Many such triads exist from Sumeria to Classical Greece
Christ and Saint John . German, fourteenth century.
Zeus and Ganymede, 470 BC
Greek painted pottery, two women, 5th C BC
Man with Centaur, metal statuette, possibly early 8th century BC.
Ancient Greece , 500 BC, Achilles tending the wounded Patrochlus, painted pottery
Ancient Greece , man with young boy, painted pottery
Ancient Rome , Black Bath Attendant, mosaic from men’s bathhouse
England , Cerne Abbas Giant carved in the chalk hills in prehistoric times, maintained by local people scrubbing the earth into the early 20th C
C Greece , Herculaneum , Chiron with Achilles, wall painting.
Christ showing the wound in his side in this Florentine terracotta sculpture for above a doorway. Christ’s wound is referred to as the door, see John 10:9 “I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out.”
Correggio, Music-making Angels, c. 1526 (detail)
Correggio, The Rape of Ganymede, 1532
Double phallus made from deer antler, engraved with vulvaforms, ancient France
Eros, Ancient Greece
Tomb of the Bulls, fresco – Etruscan, Tarquina, c. 530 BC
School of Fontainbleau, Gabrielle d’Estrees and her Sister in the Bath, 1594
Giotto, The Judas Kiss, detail of fresco, 1305
Greek drinking plate, showing either a woman dressed as a man or a man dressed as a woman, flirting with another man.
Hans Baldung Grien, Witches’ Orgy, 1514, drawing.
Italy , Ivory Carving of a woman with phallus, reportedly found in a 13th Century nunnery
The Ladies of Llangollen, (Sarah Ponsonby and Eleanor Butler), engraving based on an oil painting by Mary Parker, c. 1795.
Lambeth Bible, Ruth and Naomi, mid 12 century, MS3 Folio 130, Lambeth Place Library, London .
Augustan funerary relief of two women, hands clasped in the gesture typical of Roman married couples, 27 BCE – 14 CE
Medusa, c. 620-BC, Sicily
Michaelangelo, The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel ceiling
Francisco Ribalta, Saint Francis Embracing the Crucified Christ, 1620
Vulva carved into rock face inside a cave, c. 30,000 BC, France
Ancient Rome , 2nd C copy of Greek original, Pan and Daphnis
Roman tetrarchs embracing, statue in Piazza di San Marco, Venice
Perthshire , England , Swastika, c. 9th C CE
Sheela-na-gig (Celtic) carved on a corbel in the medieval church at Kilpeck, Herefordshire
Sweden : sacred rock carving of two men fucking, early 1st millennium
Sweden , sacred rock carving of animal-people with tails and erections
The Dream of the Three Magi, 12th Century. Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun.
Tomb of the Bulls, fresco – Etruscan, Tarquina, c. 530 BC, showing location of the image over a doorway
Tomb of the Bulls, fresco – Etruscan, Tarquina, c. 530 BC
Tomb of the Diver, fresco, 475 BC, Paestrum, Southern Italy
Bronze Amulet from Suffolk , England , woman wielding a triple phallus